Green hotels in Greece Participating properties are evaluated on how well they save water, reduce waste, recycle, use renewable energy and minimize energy use, offer organic and local products to guests and create an ?environmental ...
The first thing you'll want to do to create a waste free Christmas is decorate green with recyclable, reusable items. Skip the stuff that's just going to be tossed in the trash and use heirloom ornaments and decorations that can be used ...
Because this often embarrassing practice was so helpful for me, I invited other bloggers to join me in posting their food waste photos, and Food Waste Friday was born. If you're not a blogger but still want some food waste accountability, ... Food Waste Friday, freecycle, Frugal Basics, frugal grocery shopping, Frugal Home Decorating, Frugal Home Improvement, Frugal Successes, Frugal Vacations, Gardening, Gas Spending, Gifts, Giveaways, Giving, Goals, Goodwill, Green and ...